I took apart several of the lifters that were flooding & they had spacers under the plunger to lock the cup up against the snap ring to in effect make a solid lifter ostensibly to be able to use shorter pushrods in a prior solid lifter build (not sure how but no wonder they flooded & Dave Hughes said he had never seen/heard of this in his life! (I wont share who backyard engineered that mod!). OK so then I took a set of the lifters that did not flow & got #1 on TDC compression as Dwayne said & preoiled & after what seemed forever it started to lightly flow some oil out onto the (2) rockers (& I'm sure a bit more here & there on some of the others) then I turned it 1/4 turn & preoiled & after the same time wait #8 oiled & so on. Evidently it takes a LONG time for oil to reach the top of the oil thru pushrods. So it ends up with the right lifters in there, the only problem was I did not preoil long enough. Thanks guys (& especially you Dwayne) for your patience here, this one was getting to me. I filled the pushrods with oil & buttoned it all back up & filled the "sled" rocker arms with oil.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth