I would suggest a HT racing fluid, like: https://www.wilwood.com/BrakeFluid/BrakeFluid

it's a lot less expensive then most alternatives for brake fade.
You have many similar choices available.
Ducting Drums properly is a lot of work/modification, almost easier to install discs (you need to also get cooling air inside the drum), and if you run normal sized & TW range tires, on a heavy car (RR is in the heavy range IMO)), you will be very close to brake fade. It's not a lot of fun or learnful to drive at the edge of brake fade.

Best book I have come across on this topic:


It's more about the approach and why, not what.

Best very important concept stressed:

"everything effects everything else"

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.