I don't have power brakes or anything else the runs off vaccum BUT after adjusting the outboards by the "cover the bleed" method I could run the mixture screws all the way in on the center carb and it would not die. I turned the outboards in (whew) another 1/4 and the center carbs mixture screws are active again ( about 3/4 turn out) The problem with it dying during braking still persists. As far as the idle goes it seem to want more air than is available at idle(bad fumes)I have read several things about drilling the existing holes in the outboard throttle plates .050 over but may try another method to figure out EXACTLY how much more air it wants. I have tried playing with the float level to cure the dying (one internet site said to lower it until the problem goes away) I don't think they meant as low as I had it (probably 1/2" or so below the sightplug) and it still acts EXACTLY the same. As I am writing this I am wondering if maybe the PVC valve could be doing the brakeing problem??? BTW manifold vaccum is about 12-14 at idle.

Paul Reber