I don't doubt this is a tough job. This is the reason I considered farming it out. I also understand the importance of doing a good job. However, I also have to weigh the cost of someone else doing the work. In the end, I just dont think I can swing someone else doing it. Maybe I could afford it somehow, but the likelihood of me making a decision and having it done is a stretch. I think I would rather spend a bit of money, get a welder, learn to do it myself and be proud. Will it be the best, maybe not. If it totally sucks I have the option of having a pro redo it. Hopefully not. I did not realize there was this such a huge price associated with this work. My thoughts were weigh off. But I think with time and patience a regular guy can do it. The car needs it and there really is no moral way I can get around it. If there was, I probably would skip the quarters for now, but they are surely toast.
There was a post a while back on the proper weigh to do this procedure, but I cant find it in the archive. Maybe someone will have it. I think from what I am hearing $5000 sounds like the average.