gus, a simple, basic system, can sometimes be better going one wire at a time. that is, if you are not in a huge hurry, and want to learn a lot about the circuits present. what ever you decide, and i can't emphasize this enough, use QUALITY wire, terminals, and crimping tools ! solder if you wish, but don't OVER DO it on the solder, making it a brittle joint. there is a reason the OEM's crimp 95% of all connections. marine shrink tube with the adhesive is all i recommend when shrink tube is required on a termination or a splice. keep as many factory style plugs as you can when plugging in components, and protect your harness with proper routing and grommets, then the outer sheaving can be what ever you choose, as there are multiple choices available. i, however, dislike the late model plastic split loom cover that comes in a bunch of colors ! but that's just me. take a little time and you can do a GREAT job, it's not that hard ! just don't do anything like this mess i had to fix one time ! eek
