At least in PA, weight /truck/truck-trailer checks are money maker for local townships. The state began training the locals for several years. Usually when they write a ticket you can't argue the point and they know it. This goes for state and local police.If you've been ticketed, it can be VERY expensive. Most are looking for lettered trucks and tractor/trailers. Flying under the radar helps. So does how the truck/trailer combo is registered. Joe Smith can fly but Joe Smith Inc, LLC, or anything else that denotes commercial enterprise. You can thank landscape companies for the strict enforcements. Poor maintenance and overloaded trailers flying down the road with undocumented drivers. Ask drives from TX,AZ,MN, etc. and they will tell you about accidents where the driver has no ID or insurance.Last year at the SEMA show they were discussing this issue and had information. This crackdown has a direct effect on racing industry and SEMA was trying to address it. 2008-2016 were bad years for everything except layers and fees.