Well, boys and girls, here's another result of the consolidation in the performance ignition industry. MSD, which is a Holley corp, bought Mallory some time ago. As you might expect, few Mallory items are being produced any more. If you have an 8BA flathead, you're in luck, you can still buy a distributor. Otherwise the product line is limited to fuel pumps and regulators, two ignition boxes and 82 replacement items for Mallory distributors. There is no ignition curve setting kit among the 82 items.

Rick, Sparky, SunroofGTX are the same guy and as far as I know he IS firecore. He's a board member. Seems to be a great guy who is into making sure his products work. Maybe he needs to start producing the advance setting parts. I wouldn't be surprised to see him on this thread soon.
