He's just the wrong guy for the job, and terribly uninformed. Wrong names, times, facts and so on. About being able to make it through a segment, that's my point. There's no need for most of the blabber.

Would you guys rather see a segment on a technical issue related to the car, or what we get now. There are countless shows on television now that are just tech stuff. How it's made, modern marvels, how stuff works, and so on. These shows all have good ratings, and I'd bet most of us watch them. I wish they would add that dimension to the show. You could walk up to any crew chief and ask him to blab about anything, and it would be interesting and real feeling. Setup, contrived unrelated BS smells like a sit com to me. IF they want to capture the feel of the event they need to shoot that stuff, and stop trying to be unnecessarily creative. The race can, and has sold it's self in the past.

Please keep'm coming guys. It may be in vain, but I won't stop trying to contact them until someone at least acknowledges what we're saying.