Originally Posted By Dave Hall
When you first installed it, How much did you have to pull it forward to bolt it up? Looks as if it wasn't all the way back in the trans.

I wouldn't worry about the snout, you can clearly see where the bushing and seal were riding and it's nowhere near the spot you circled. I've had bolt witness marks on the converter. The flexplate isn't very stiff (or it wouldn't be called a FLEXplate) and the converter fluid pressure pushes the converter toward the engine. I've never worried about the marks. That haze of brown on the converter is rust from the converter snout grinding on the crank flange, possibly indicating an alignment issue. Some OE setups I've taken apart had a TON of that stuff but it wasn't really a problem. I usually use a little lube to reduce wear, but then you get a star pattern of lube on the converter. thumbs