Originally Posted By roberto63
Originally Posted By JohnRR
Originally Posted By roberto63
Honestly I cannot say more at the moment, I experienced quite a bog with secondary opening ( EDL Thunder 800AVS) evn with electric pump feeding the carb, so I need to do more test... At the moment thank you so much!

Have you adjusted the air door ? The carb will require some tuning .

I set the air door adjusting the screw as suggested as default setting, I must test again to see if I set it too weak or too hard to open...also I have a bad smell of unburned fuel at idling..I'm not a pro , not a mechanic, so I need time to understand what the best combination of rod -spring jet etc....

You need to tune the carb, it is not the right setup for your particular engine, or really any engine for that matter, out of the box.

If you have a bog when on the secondaries opening then the spring is probably adjusted too tight.

The engine is not going to run well to you get that carb setup properly, along with your ignition timing .

running up my post count some more .