Update 3: pulled headlight switch, connected to battery (12 volt this time), grounded switch, put meter box to all connectors, measured a consistent 12.5 volts at all connections; had switch on and off-same readings. One item I noticed, when adjusting the switch to brighten or dim the instrument panel, there was no change in the volts. I'm thinking that there should've been because it is a rheostat switch (I think I'm right on calling it this).
I'm calling it quits for today. There's a margarita calling my name. Please continue to post suggestions. I'll be logged on in the AM. I want this car running. Having beautiful weather here in Texas, and I want to get out and enjoy it.
383man & Cab_burge, thank you for your replies and words of encouragement.
A final note: I'll purchase a turn signal flasher. I take it that they are easily obtained from the local parts houses.