Thanks for the input fellas! Your right, I haven't pulled the transmission yet, but I was eventually going to upgrade away from the 904...just wasnt planning on doing it now! lol

I am yanking the trans tomorrow. It has a stock steel 4 pinion front planet and stock aluminum rear...whatever it was that went, it made a nice boom/bang when it did and scared the crap outta me! First thing I did after shutting it down was look at the floor lol

The car is getting glass front and rear bumpers with lightweight brackets, a glass trunk, and already has a glass hood...Realistically I dont want to go spending a ton of money right now to lighten the car, or on anything car related for that matter, I just want to tune what I have and get it dialed as other priorities are calling right now (like buying a house).

Part of me is thinking I should fix the 904, throw the low gear set back in and find a nice high stall 8" vert to run it on motor and not stress the little 904 so bad anymore just for now, but part of me thinks time to go 727, or more so glide (although everyone tells me I will hate it in a street car and im too heavy for one).

I dont really know of any hard parts available for these things to make them stronger other then input and output shafts...unless I am just looking in the wrong places???