
I know many do it, the shaft shims but imo its bad enough with the best setup you can get to keep them in place. Enough that I have a small roll pin on the ends and the center shaft tower and the shafts drilled for a tight fit and its helped.

You heads and shafts can show the same signs as capwalk if you look but it seems many dont mind it

Please don't take this the wrong way Porter, but when you see signs of the rocker shaft bouncing all over the place, why aren't alarm bells and flashing red lights going off in your head? Doesn't that give an inkling of instability in the valvetrain? I know you guys might get tired off hearing me rant about geometry, but this is the stuff that I'm trying correct, and hopefully, keep somebody from doing serious damage to their motor. And, stacking lash caps on top of the valve only makes that instability worse, unless the valve really needs a lash cap. Here's a link that explains what lash caps are for:


Mike Beachel

I didn't write the rules of math nor create the laws of physics, I am just bound by them.