
Just curious if anyone has put some real boost to an Indy maxx block and your experience? I'm a little worried about the 7/16 head studs clamping power. Or is it possible to convert the block to 1/2 studs and how much of a pain would it be.

I have an Indy maxx block in low deck form with a half fill and I plan to turn the power up with a precision 114 turbo. Maybe 30-35 lbs of boost

I dont have an Indy block.
But KB strongly suggests using 1/2 inch studs if your going to throw boost at one of their blocks. I don't believe it's very hard to do. Take it to your motor machinist. They fix threads all the time in blocks. It's not much different. Just more of them


Cost is irrelevant, making memories is far more valuable!biggrin