
Since it is a copy of the Posey spoiler used during the '70 race season, maybe you should pose the question to someone involved in the trans am efforts of the era why everybody in the series chose such a tacky, Pep Boys approach to a race spoiler.

Easy, Killer. I know exactly what it is.

You, of all people, know that when you're building a race car winning comes first. Performance absolutely takes precedence over all else. Pretty is the last thing on anybody's mind.

In the early 70s there were still Formula 1 teams that were operation without benefit of wind tunnels. Most stuff was shot from the hip. When something worked, you kept it.

That chunk of guard rail under the front of the car worked. Done. On to the next item.

We know far more these days and have far better manufacturing at hand. Surely there's something that can perform the same job but do so in a manner that is better integrated with the vehicle design and less of an amateurish hack than sliding an industrial size dust pan under the car.

Find me another item on the exterior of the car that is perfectly flat, sharp edged, and protruding sharply from the adjacent surface.

We are brothers and sisters doing time on the planet for better or worse. I'll take the better, if you don't mind.
- Stu Harmon