

Pressure feed if you can afford but...keep the darn spring pressures down on a street unit
Most will run like crazy with 425 lb open Yes you would want 650 or more on the strip but on the street it is all about NOT killing the lifter
When you are at idle, arm out the window, strutting around the cruise--that lifter wheel bearings can be red hot from lack of oil
Most folks run WAY too much spring pressure on street rollers
Morel pressure feed is the way to go for solids anytime and Never restrict oil in any way whatsoever --it kills lifters.

Agressive profiles and lack of spring pressure is harder on rollers than anything. And if you run a morel style lifter you usually have to restrict oil in most setups

Making the real question WHY would anyone run an aggressive profile on a STREET engine--Comp has smartened up and now all the Street rollers are very easy on things, run tighter lash and need way less spring pressure --so do the right thing and keep that silly race profile on the track and not on the street--Problems Solved!!!!!

I bet I can take a stout engine and dyno six cams in a row right off the catalog page and there is not that much difference--Cam selection process is one of the most over advertised--over thought --Bull crud filled areas of car building--don't go too big--don't run crazy aggressive lobes that a computer says is better and listen to the professional cam grinders--it is that easy.
Always pick smaller than you think and that will still be to big

Solid rollers on a street car will blow the axle bearings out sooner or later--NO oil at idle--way too much spring pressure( because I might get into a street race) and oil restricted-- Kills axle bearings--
Run a solid body lifter in a stock block Mopar
Morel has over a hundred part numbers and will make whatever you need