The stiffer the shocks can be and the car hook, the quicker it will be. The shock does NOTHING other than control the housing. The question what do you WANT the housing to do. Loose on extension lets the housing slam to the pavement, which can hit the tire TOO hard in many instances. You want to CONTROL the housing, not let it fly around. Car that LOOK violent and jerky, tend to not be fast or consistent. You want SMOOTH and smooth is fast. Doesn't matter that you moved the shock. The shock still does the same job, the settings just might need to be different because of leverage.

I tend to start the "bump" or compression around the middle. This lets the tire follow the track over bumps and lets the shock work. I would likely start the extension at 3/4 from tight and see what happens. If it slams the housing down, tighten the ext more. Once you get the ext about right, you might need to stiffen the "bump" to HOLD the housing down and keep the tire planted.

Your car seems fast enough that LOOSE will NOT be the way to go
