
I'd feel a bit safer with threads. I realize that the sharp edges of threads would create stress risers though.
Even being close to the c/l, you still have oil press, heat and some flex cycles in that area. Just my , but I agree with the basic theory on the oiling issue.

Being on the mains the flex should be at a minimum
and with .002-.003 press it shouldnt even move....003
is a TIGHT press and might not be possible without
issues... might need to be polished by a crank shop..
he could tig tack it and then have it polished (it would
need to be pushed in below the surface)... I use to tack
weld some cranks for a shop that put the heavy metal
in on the OD of the counter weights and they didnt move
(they did it that way because of the location that
needed the weight)