

I'll never understand why making a race 1/8th mile would keep racers away?

The shutdown at KilKare is a little on the short side for faster cars so I applaud the 1/8th mile decision.

It's real tough to explain..... But I will try....... Lots of people( me included) wouldn't miss work, spend money, etc, to go race 1/8 mile somewhere. Know many people who don't like 1/8 mile, they like the higher speed and more traditional racing 1/4 offers.
I know I am not a professional racer, so with me if I race, it's gotta be how I like it.... 1/8 ain't how I like it

Worried about spending money... 1/8 is easier on parts, less gas used down the track. Not to mention its Sat-Sun race most people (I understand some do) don't work weekends anyways, so taking time off work isn't needed. This arguement does not make sense to me. I understand the speed of the 1/4 (I like it better myself) but the thrill of cutting a light, driving the stripe, and winning the round is still the same. Hey 1/8 or 1/4 it pays the same! Lets not forget hanging out with our race buds and throwing a few back after the race.. pretty sure 1/8 won't hinder this party.

Just my
