


They also advised us to ground each head separately to insure proper grounding with aluminum heads.

yea because the single bolt and wire you're going to use to ground the head is going to have less resistance than the 17 head fasteners and four fire rings

idk where thy come up with this stuff, if the block and ignition are properly grounded i just don't see where this is necessary

I can tell you never raced with a super charger, a super charged engine needs every edge you can give it because it's on the ragged edge, it's where I live.

In alcohol racing MSD techs came around to each alcohol team using MSD to help us. We listened and did what they suggested. So did many other venders because we are the one's spending $$.

Really? How exactly can you tell that? Guess I'm not "big time" like you are but I have won a national championship running around 30# of manifold pressure with a turbocharged bike and I've seen guys pushing upwards of 60# none of us had any problems as long as the plug gap was right.

Believe what you want I have a little knowledge of electricity and call bull on the heads requiring individual grounding if the rest of the electrical system has good integrity.