

Interesting discussion...especially in regards to grounding the heads individually. Never heard any of this before

I`ve checked the non-grounded head and it completes current and is fine reading voltage.............interesting. I also probably use too much ante-seize so time to clean out the plug holes I guess.

I would say NO dont use it! Reason is it will NOT be grounded as well as it could be. How many of you have ever checked the fluid in the radiator to see how many volts are there? The fact of the matter is that most cars seem fine but the electronics Dont work as they should. Heck yes you should ground your heads and 4130 chassis is the worst but mild steel chassis car still needs alot more than you want to believe to be properly grounded.If your having problems misses,running the same time-get a volt meter out and check the DC/AC in each circuit on your ride. This is what I have learned