

I spoke to these guys just to see what the suspension saw going to be this will be a purpose built race car not much mopar left

To me these currently "in vogue" purpose built (to be basically a rolling billboard ad for the parts suppliers) cars are not very exciting, especially when the only part of the car left after all the parts swapping and mods is the outer skin of the car it once was. Sort of like a modern day NASCAR, nothing much unique or brand specific is left of them.

They are basically skin jobs and custom kit cars. A lot of it is fabrication is for fabrication's sake. It justifies these shops existance and they are going after coorporate advertising dollars.

Also the shop sells a customer on a project for six figures let's say for the parts, labor, and design. Then it get companies to donate the parts to advertise them in magazine articles and other promotions. So the shop just gets to add the free parts to it net profit. Great way to double dip.

These fab shops are popping up all over Southern California. I bet there are over 30 of these shops from a 10 mile radius of where I'm typing this right now.