
"I cannot visualize on how either intake or exhaust manifolds would interfer with the "linkage"."
Visualize the higher mounting point on the higher intake raising the linkage pivot so that the part of the linkage going to the trans now hits the firewall. That is an example of what indirect interference the intake could cause. That's what happens with some the intake swaps. I hope that makes my answer eaiser for you to understand.

Stumpy, my goal is to help this guy get an answer to his question. I really do understand the indirect or caused-by effect of a tall intake. However, I dont believe that this is the original poster's issue, at least not according to his post. His post says that the linkage actually hits the manifold, and his post is also unclear which manifold. I suspect it is the exhaust. But I do not know that either.

I appologize for getting this post off course.