For me it is flow/power potential, then cost, with where they are being made last priority...Sure I prefer to buy domestic products over foreign, BUT, if the heads are being bought bare overseas and the CNC work and setting them up is done here, that is enough to assure me the quality is up to snuff.

As for flow numbers, I agree that they should not be the only selling point for heads as is often used....What I really think it missing in the SB mopar world is a set of heads (or more than one set from different manufacturers like the ford and chevy guys have), that is affordable, supports good performance and is not an all out race piece in terms of price and performance.

That said, these new foreign heads that have hit our sb market really seem to be advertised as a great product, but im not sure the performance matches with so little people able to get their hands on them, and then some reporting they don't flow what they should on a bench...really makes you wonder who you can trust.