I picked up the zinc fasteners yesterday and I'm not happy. When I picked them up, the guy said "These are going to have a little yellowish look to them because our solution is stronger. It resists a 100 hour salt spray vs the normal 40 hour spray."

When I got home, I remembered that I had gotten a call that morning confirming I wanted everything yellow zinc plated. I said NO, I want them silver zinc plated. They said "OK, no problem, I thought you wanted them yellow." I think everything was already in the other tank when he called. He probably pulled them out right way after talking to me but the color had already started to change.

Some things will be OK. I'm not going back stock with this thing anyway...but some things in the engine comp are going to look like crap next to other things I have planned. I sorted everything out today so I didn't forget where anything goes and I'll deal with the engine comp stuff later.

I don't think they were in the yellow tank long but you can really tell the difference when you hold a silver zinc part up to them.