


...... 'I want this thing to go 10.90's in the heat, and im thinking advancing the cam is the only thing left to get this pig of an a-body moving."


I thought about a gear swap as I do want to put a spool in over the winter...But its a street car, and I liked having the 4.10's for when I do drive it on the highway (not often but it does happen)...But then again, this car is becoming more track oriented than anything else.

Would 4.30's even have a noticeable improvement though over 4.10's? Would it not just be better to try a 4.56 ratio instead?

I think 4 degree's will be fine you just need to get into the power band at the launch and your car will wake right up! By listening to your car i'm sure i'm right and had you listened to me long ago you would have bee knocking on the 10's long ago.

when you can hear the power level change 100 feet out that is a big problem.

advance it 4 deg and try it.
a 4.30 gear will only give you .075 to .01 tops I think you advance the cam to 104 and you will go 10.90 next time out!

while I agree he pay pick up, I just dont see a .3 gain in the same conditions