

I like to go in as shallow as possible.

John, In my dragster, I was taught by a good racer to use the slow backup procedure and just turn the lights on and then back off while backing up very slowly. Sitting there with no lights on it doesn’t take much movement to turn on the top bulb and makes staging the long dragsters much easier. At least I though so.

From what you wrote, I take it the racer in question is backing up and cycles the lower bulb and then sits there and leaves the top bulb on; and driving right into stage when the opponent turns on their top bulb. As you said nothing illegal there, but certainly causes a rush for the opponent.

Bob Spleic

Yes this is what they are doing. Both lights are never off.

I deal with that also, but most of the racers that do it are slower than me, leaving first. Before I ever turn a light on, I make sure I am ready to go(and depending on who it is, it could take a while ), then when I turn my top light on, they go in and I still got approx 7-10 seconds to get in. I pretty much treat them like someone that double bulbed me. Let'm sit there and stare at that tree. Wanna look way from it? I dare you. Want to play games? OK with me.
