
I work for a dealership here in KY and those two BO P5153942AB blocks should be mine that I ordered. The 4 blocks that are showing in inventory in a MI dealership apparently are not available for sale as they would not sell me even one of the blocks they have...... We called them, tried to buy one and they said no. Been looking for one but no one seems to want to turn loose of what they have??

When we ordered the first block about a month or so ago, dealer connect showed an ETA of early August. Then recently, they moved ETA up to late July and then Tuesday....there was no ETA listed. I was told by a pretty trustworthy source that 80 of this block part number (P5153942AB) is being released very soon as in possibly this week or next? Hopefully that information is correct as we could really use one of those blocks now.......

Got our P5153942AB's yesterday.........

"Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son......"
