
If the valve-side lever length is wrong (more common than we would like) re-arranging the heights to cure it will make the geo worse.
The "scrub path" length and behavior on the stem is far more important.

The best path is the shortest, and begins at 0% lift (valve closed) with the roller tip closest to the rocker shaft, and to the stem’s near edge (not the center).

As the valve opens, the roller walks toward the stem center, is centered in its own path (which may not be the stem tip’s center) at 25% lift.

It reaches its farthest point away from the rocker shaft at 50% lift, then reverses direction.

The roller walks back, reaching its path center again at 75% lift.

Full lift is, again, at the closest point to the shaft and its original resting place.

But this will only happen on a specific lift. For example all the ideal roller/tip positions may occur on a .600 lift cam but on an cam with more or less lift these points will be off. Ideally you need to match the cam to the rocker or vice versa. I hate to say it but there are advantages to the "stud" system.