

shim up the shaft. that will move the scrub pattern more towards the center.

I don't agree with that. The rocker shaft bolt is not parallel with the intake valve, it is inclined towards it. The higher you move the rocker shaft, the closer the rocker and valve tip get, and the further out the scrub pattern will be, given you are going in the right direction to get the proper rocker arm to valve angle.
The first thing to do is to figure out at what angle the rocker is to the valve stem right now.

I never looked at the hold down bolt to valve angle relationship, if this is the case then shimming the shaft up would move the shaft towards the valve.

Lash caps would be the easier way to do do it , the OP will need to change his valve locks because those are the kind that accept lash caps. Otherwise it's machining off, or machining of, the stands .