Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone might know what this might be...

I had my '70 Super Bee out on a fairly warm day last week. I added a few gallons of 91 premium to it (bringing to about 1/2 full) and drove around a bit. When I pulled back into my garage and shut off the motor, I could hear a very noticeable "gurgling" or maybe bubbling sound coming from the gas tank area. It was a sound similar to what you hear when your radiator is about to boil over.

Anyhow, after maybe a minute or less, I hear liquid running out on to the garage floor and sure enough there is a small puddle of fuel.

I crawled under the tank (by now it had stopped running out) and the only place I could tell where it MAY be coming from what this small outlet line (in the photo). Anyone know why this line is there? I suspect it's a vent line of some type, but should gas come out of it?

At this point, I could still hear the bubbling sound in the tank. I removed the gas cap and the sound went away completely. Put the cap back on and the sound came back.

This has never happened before in the years I've owned the car.... Any ideas? I'm especically curious if it's normal that gas can "boil over" and come out the vent tube like that??

Thanks a lot !

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