
Cal Gecko making a ton of progress on the Dart. Cal having pics to said progress to post.

I made the "Year in Review" list! That's like being in the "Who's Who" book!

Yeah, Unfortunately, Gary's passing is definitely #1 on the list.

Also for me, being able to meet up with a bunch of guys at Lawfish's house in NV was cool too.

Meeting up with Don (SeventyGTX), finding out his step-son works with me (small world!), hanging out with him at a couple local shows, and graciously accepting his welding expertise on a patch panel on the Dart..

The censor-fest of 2004 is one to be remembered... finding alternate ways to spell "chicken", "penguin" and "hippo" was interesting.

I made 1000 posts on my 1 year anniversary, then hit 2000 posts just 2 months later!

I did make a ton of progress on the car this year, and as soon as we get through the holidays, I plan on continuing with that progress.

In addition, I'd have to say that for me, Moparts has become more of a 'community' for me than it was last year. Last year, I still felt like a "newbie" to the board and Mopars in general... this year has taught me a lot about that chunk of metal in the garage that I'm slaving over, it's helped me get to know the guys/gals of Moparts a lot better, and I truly believe that the board is full of a lot of really GOOD people with at least ONE common interest.

Finally, my BIGGEST thing this year.. was making my everlasting commitment to the woman I love a legal and binding one. I got married 7/29/04 to the most wonderful woman in the world. She has a great sense of humor, she's smart, beautiful, witty, thoughtful, giving, humble and down to earth. ... AND she supports this crazy hobby of mine! She's almost as excited for me to start the Dart as I am .. ALMOST.

Anyways, to everyone on Moparts who has helped me along this path of Moparestification - THANK YOU!