Unfortunately the most memorable moment was Gary's tragic passing. Wish it was something happier.

On the other hand, Remember when they banned us from saying Ch*cken?

DS with all the Smilies.

Cal Gecko making a ton of progress on the Dart. Cal having pics to said progress to post.

Me having to pay someone else to make a ton of progress on the Challenger. Me being too inept to get off my butt and get a digital camera to take before/after pics.

Khal440 and I frantically asking the Tech Board for advice in the middle of his Dart buildup. And being evicted for always working on it at my place.

Andy, Feets, 71TA and all the other guys installing and fabricating piles of cool stuff to retrofit.

Meeting members Bones, MidPenMopar, Pink68, 909Hemi and FINALLY meeting CalMopar.

Going to 909Hemi's with Pink68 to check out a challenger. Taking 2 "sick" days to do so. Being woken up at 3 AM in the middle of the valley with 4 more hours to go, and Jim holding the shredded spare trailer tire "I don't think we're gonna be safe on 3. Are you awake enough to drive the Challenger?"

Prowler finally catching the Chicken.

And of course...Diplomat Wagon's Dune Buggy Dart!