

You had a couple of options for B1 heads. B1BS and B1 originals. I wonder how well a BS head works when done all out?

IMO, the BS head is no better than a comparably ported RPM head. I have a nice set that flow very comparable to a CNC'd RPM head. The exhaust on the BS head does flow better than a RPM though. But, I do believe the BS head has a larger intake port volume than the RPM. Chamber design is superior with the BS also.

With that said, I see no real reason to buy a BS head, when compared to a RPM. They take special rockers, exhaust port is raised, on and on. Id go -1s/SRs at that point, depending on intended combination.

Von, I had thought the BS head took the same rocker gear as the 906. That is why they are the Budget head. Also made in the USA. Eddy heads port to a max wedge size? I know on an eddy head, when you shave the intake face, you have little room for the valve cover/ intake fit. And it gets close for the vc bolts.

We have had these options for years actually. I to have Indy stuff here as well. I just wanted to stand up and try the B1. It has been around for so long and I always see Indy and Eddy. You will not see me knocking Indy. I am enjoying the B1's and liking them.