



There's no way mine would ever weigh as much as it does - and go as quick as it does - while still having perfect street manners, cold AC and power steering.... without the boost added to it.

I don't know why people even argue about it. You can have your cake and eat it w/ boost. I guess they like those old ash lumpity bumpity cams, 12:1 compression, high stall converters and pegging the rpms at 60mph.

I like some rump rump of the cam but not 12.1 comp on the street. Mine is 10.6. I guess thats what happens when you grow up in the 60's and 70's. Ron

Ron just turn your idle down to 700 it will shimmy and shake then...lol I like mine to be smooth and quiet until I go WOT. Not that my current car is anything like that. and I too grew up ..well I was born in the 60's and grew up in the late 70's When you guys were running around in your jacked up, side pipe clad, Cragar wheeled iron.

You mean like this ? Ron