
I`m STILL working on wiring my heap and I`m sinking fast and my buddy before me butchered up some wiring so now I`m somewhat lost. I`ve got no voltage to the coil now w/the key on, no running lights and who knows what else. Was checking out different on line diagrams but got lost fast. I thaught this would be easy but I`m beyond pissed now...............3 long days later. Gotta figure somethin out before I light this piece on fire...............

You are going to have to start with the factory wiring diagram book for your car and go from there. Shouldn't be too hard depending on how many accessories came with your car. A good approach is to start uncluttering things by removing all the wiring that you are sure you won't use. Don't mean this as an insult, but if you have no power to the coil and no headlights, is the battery connected?

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