



fan is worthless after 25 to 30 mph....natural air flow takes over....sounds like the car is lean as it "should" be its coolest when running down the road or the waterpump (high volume?) is pumping water too fast that it doesn't cool properly at highway speeds

thats a myth

so a fan pulls more air than natural airflow at 55 mph....I think NOT

Terzmo, there are some things you're not considering.
Air flow at 55 mph isn't like sticking your hand out the window. The grille stops a bit of that air flow. The radiator stops a BUNCH of that air flow. Yes, it's designed to pass air but it is also designed to get in the way of the air so there is enough contact with the radiator fins and tubes to strip the heat.
There is far less air flow behind a radiator than you would think.
A factory style electric fan will move quite a bit of air. If that fan is used on a car that has a much larger grill opening than it was designed for the shroud will block air.
He is using a fan set from a Concorde.
Here's a Concorde:

See that large grille opening? Guess what? Most of it is blocked by a big fat bumper bar and foam energy absorber. There is relatively little open area. How do I know? I OWN a 2002 Concorde.
The air not only has to pass through a restrictive radiator but it also has to go through an equally restrictive A/C condenser.

When you blow on a radiator (vehicle speed) the air will stack up in front of the radiator and some will spill out through other openings or even push it's way back out around the grille and go over the body of the car. Having a tight fan shroud will only make it worse since that adds even more restriction.
If you get a strong enough fan it will be able to pull the air through the radiator.

Here's a test. Take a plastic or paper cup. Poke a few small (under 1/4") holes in the bottom. Turn your bath tub water on wide open. Stick the cup under the flow and see what happens.
If the cup can't flow enough water the excess will fill the cup and spill over the sides.
The same thing happens with air.

You must match the fan power, shroud size, and grille opening.

I've been going down the electric fan road for 13 years. 11 of those years had a monster heat generating twin turbo setup.

Chances are that his fan shroud is simply too tight for the air flow he's getting. A couple trap doors in the flat parts of that shroud would probably relieve the issue.

so clutch fans are useless also....