
Yes, I admit copying this from the truck guys. I even tried to get the truck guys to make the kit before I offered the idea to FFI. I went over all that in the original article.


Thanks for clearing that up. The brace was invented about a decade ago by a clever guy named Darin. The problem trying to be solved that gave birth to the idea was death wobble and steering wander on 4x4 Dodge Rams with the mighty Cummins under the hood. The invention was 1st posted on the Turbo Diesel Register back then. Darin was making them for a while, but eventually these guys took over production and marketing -


Does it work? Like Richard said, take a look at the sector shaft while turning the steering wheel back and forth with the engine running. It ain't pretty. Will you feel the difference? Yes, but only if you drive fast enough. Just like people who put disc brakes on the rear of their Mopar and say they can't stop any faster, you will only feel the difference when driving on the edge of traction during braking or corning. That only happens during panic stops or on a race track.