
Not sure how anyone could say that isn't a sleeper. if it isn't im not sure what would be.

It's not a sleeper because of all of the over-exposure. It's been in magazines, all over the web, on TV shows, it's even in a coffee table book about sleepers that you can find at Barnes and Noble.

If you have a sleeper you don't broadcast how much HP it has, what times it runs, you don't even open the hood for anyone much less splash everything about it all over every form of media known to man.

The 4 door Chevelle was a sleeper too at one time before it got over-exposed, same thing with the old orange Chevy pickup with the topper and the dog with the bandana who rides shotgun. Everyone has seen them and knows about them by now.

Now, that Ford with the Chevy motor in this thread, THAT'S a sleeper! Same with the red Challenger.