Wow, I've been watching along in silence for some time . . . . incredible !

Now for some questions . . .
1) Please tell me your dad is a body shop guy who couldn't afford daycare for you in the early days, forced you to learn a trade at the age of 5 and you have 15 years experience at the start of this project (it would help me to feel better about my capabilities and ambition)

2) Does anyone help you think through your repairs at this point in your work (refer to Q1 above perhaps, or another mentor?)

3) It appears the start car was more of a rolling Jig for you to get pickup points and a roadmap, how many pieces are really going to be the original car when your done? (maybe guess a percentage, and please dont read into this, it's really just a curiosity question)

4) Whoever your mentor is should be commended and thanked, not many your age have the knowledge, ambition, facilities, or financial backing to do what your doing.

I have a good friend thats been a mentor to me, reading through your posts has reminded me to express my appreciation for all he has done.

Take care, and good luck wiith the rest of your project.