What do you mean by "not factory built"? They are no different than a Superbird or a Shelby Mustang. These are M code cars, what is the problem? So what they went to a outside vendor, they were delivered to Grand Spaulding as complete cars, not something whipped up in the service bays. Imagine Grand Spaulding converting 50 cars in a little corner car lot. What is the issue John?

"Mr. Norm then managed to convince Chrysler to build 48 (50 by other accounts – logical, as it would qualify the 440 Dart for NHRA) 383/automatic Dart GTSs but without the 383 and tranny installed."

Mr Norm felt the Big Block Dart was "His Baby" and wanted to keep it that way. Chrysler said they were going to sell them to any dealer that wanted one. They finally comprimised and offered him that they would be available to all dealers but they would have to be ordered in batches of fifty. You couldn't just order one. Dealers would try to get them from Grand Spaulding and Norm would tell them to pound sand. If a customer wanted one they would have to buy it from GSD

Last edited by scatpacktom; 03/11/12 10:59 AM.