Well, my car is a pretty easy project. I'm not a body guy, so it's possible I'm over-simplifying, but the car really doesn't have that much rust. Lower quarters, a few little perforations here and there, that's it. Also, and this is key, I am OFFERING to buy replacement panels for everything, rather than have them fabricate anything from scratch. They have ample opportunity to reduce their time while increasing my outlay...they're just very...slow.

Amazingly, and I'm afraid this is a really bad sign, the receptionist who stepped up to help me last week? I called Tuesday to ask her if they had ordered the various panels, and I found out she was "no longer employed there". The person I talked to I KNOW has been there for a long time, so I guess that's better than if it were a new stranger, but still, kind of weird.

We shall see how this goes over the next week or two, and beyond that, I may have to pull out and find someone else. Darn, we were SO close...