It's strange, I can't really point to anything specific. The owner said he was "a good communicator", but then, he never returns calls or e-mails, not even to confirm that he got them. When I go in and show him a list of things that I e-mailed him about, he says "yeah, you e-mailed that to me". Parts that he's supposed to order don't get ordered. Things that are supposed to get sent out don't get sent out. Schedules that HE lays out don't get met.

On the upside, I've made friends with the receptionist, and she seems to be the one who's actually running the shop. She was surprised by the logistical things that hadn't been taken care of yet, and she said she will make sure they get done. When I told her that the completion is now past-due, she said that she had already made the determination that my car should be a priority, and would see to it that it got done ASAP.

Also, every time I've gone to see it, there has been notable progress, it's not like it's sitting in a corner with a tarp over it.

Initially I was going to send it to a shop that dips, but I decided to go with this shop instead that sands. The rust situation isn't too bad, and I thought this would be better than something as "invasive" as dipping. I mainly just want to make sure that they are doing things right to prevent future rust. I'd be happier with a less-than-perfect paintjob on a car that doesn't rust, than a beautiful paintjob that develops bubbles in a few years.