

Herem's last round..

7192 Ryan Herem 7793 Gary Thompson
0.043 11.041 132.08 0.012 11.005 129.02

Ryan Herem wins on a double-breakout.

Where was Gary going on that run Chris??? Ryan has had a phenominal year, he has SST wrapped up, and is like 4th in SG.

The SG T-bird that crashed was Jim Gallatin...I believe this is top-end crash #5 of his career..twice in his old Pinto, and this is the 3rd in the T-bird, heard he was loose from 800ft on. Late night racing at the last divisional gets treacherous when the temp starts dropping.


Can't explain that one.. Looks like Gary thought he was being chased by the Cops..

Yes, Jim has had several top end mishaps..
