
Herem's last round..

7192 Ryan Herem 7793 Gary Thompson
0.043 11.041 132.08 0.012 11.005 129.02

Ryan Herem wins on a double-breakout.

Where was Gary going on that run Chris??? Ryan has had a phenominal year, he has SST wrapped up, and is like 4th in SG.

The SG T-bird that crashed was Jim Gallatin...I believe this is top-end crash #5 of his carreer..twice in his old Pinto, and this is the 3rd in the T-bird, heard he was loose from 800ft on. Late night racing at the last divisional gets treacherous when the temp starts dropping.

"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines