
....no, it is in correctly. The lip goes to the inside of the engine. The design is so when oil is pressed to the seal it forces the lip into the crank making a tighter seal.

I am 80% sure that the leak is not due to oil leaking between the crank and the seal but rather between the seal and the engine block/seal retainer......that is my thought.

First off, your seal does indeed look to be in backwards. Th edge of the seal makes a sort of V, the point of which should point to the back of the block.

Second of all, if the retainer is too tall your issue is the retainer, NOT the seal.

Finally, crap parts is still crap regardless of the price, coolness factor or bling. The OEM retainer worked for years, why change it.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.