




Isn't it true though that a lower stall converter will have less slip at higher RPM's then if it was a 5000 stall? i just remember hearing that somewhere.

Yes thats true! IMO it shouldnt matter if your sensor is on the second driveshaft off the transfer case. As long as you use the correct mechanical gear ratio.

... the sensor should be reading the same
as on the front shaft .... and yes low stall will
have less slippage so maybe you are in the right range

More i think about it more i think your right. I keep confusing myself. The sensor is on the lower driveshaft. So it is spinning slower then the top one cause its going through the transfercase. In my datalogger is asks for differential ratio.. So i put in 21 whish is my final ratio but when i made a run it said i was spinning either 100mph or 10 mph i forget but it was way off.... So next time i just wrote in 6:80 (my differential ratio) and it would give me numbers like 30mph whitch is about right.

Maybe i'll just call Altronics again and let them walk me through it again.

thanks for the help guys!!