You know Mopars electronic ign was designed by Mopar to use a ballast. They all came from the factory with one that was one or two row ballast. They went to the single ballast and took out the auxilury circuit that was ign feed thru the 5 ohm ballast and just use the one ballast to the coil. I have always run mine with the ballast because thats what Mopars eng book said.

Will it work without the ballast ?? Sure but how long will it work as they did say it can burn the ECU up. But I never tried it to see if the ECU will hold up.
All I can tell you is I run the orange MP ECU with a .75 ballast and it works great. Starts good and runs 10's without ever missing a beat. If you run it without the ballast I would keep extra in the trunk just incase it would burn up. Maybe it wont but its good to be prepared. Ron

Last edited by 383man; 07/05/12 03:20 AM.