Mods can this get stickied? thanks

The Chrysler Challenge is coming up fast, so who is planning on attending?

July 22-23 @ MCIR, LaRue, OH.

You can still pre enter at
or by calling, 614-268-1181

Box racing
No Box racing
Double entries allowed, 1st rnd buybacks,1/4 mile both classes! BOTH PURSES ARE GUARANTEED BACK TO THE 8ths, NO SURPRISES WITH US WHEN YOU GET TO THE PAYOUT WINDOW!
Nostalgia Super Stock (NMCA Rules) Guaranteed purse to the 8ths.
Nostalgia Pro Stock, (FREE ENTRY)
10.5 pro street, (FREE ENTRY) (10.5 will be 1/8 mile.)
Trophy class,
Grudge racing?? got something to settle or prove?

Viper club of Ohio meet,
National HEMI Owners Association
The return of Roland Osborne and Chrysler Power Magazine.

Thursday pit parking from 4pm to 9pm,
Friday night social featuring:
a FREE hog roast while the food lasts
keg or two of beer
bon fire, (or at the very least a camp fire)
t shirt sacrifice, (TBA)

Friday night gamblers race
Saturday night gamblers race

more information, (schedule etc... )

You know who we are, you know what we can do, so come out and relive Mopar racing the way it was, and the way it should be!