
personally i know 750 HP RB's aren't really time bombs like some people think if built and tuned properly. aluminum caps and studs, fairly light components, precision balancing etc. etc.
we've got plenty of them making that much HP and more for many years without any problems.
we typically freshen them every couple of years. use "good" quality parts, including the harmonic damper.
i've seen a number of broken blocks over the years and in almost every case the owners were E.T. chasers. constantly chasing the tune up to try and squezze every last 1/2 hp out of them but in the process caused way more harm than good getting into overly lean or rich carb conditions and detonation. that's very often the killer on those type combos IMO.
proper machine work, proper attention to assembly, clearances etc, good parts and a good tune or the keys to longevity for any engine, but even more so when you have a block that might otherwise be near the edge in the HP catagory.

Hey thanks for the insult
Are you kidding with the blanket assumptions your making